Here you can find a list of Cataclysm WoW addons to use with patch 4.3.4. We have addons for bags, maps, boss mods, and more! We’ve included screenshots and description and a built in filtering system to help you find the exact 4.3.4 addon you’re looking for!
One of the most frequent questions hunters ask is where to find information regarding macros. This WoW hunter macro guide gives a basic introduction to macros and lists several PvE macros useful in raiding. We provide links to several good detailed macro guides and to more extensive lists of specialized hunter macros for PvE and PvP.
A macro is a group of slash commands grouped together into a file that can be executed with a single mouse click or keystroke. Warcraft allows each character to have 36 general macros (available to all characters on your account) plus 18 character-specific macros for a total of 54 available macros per character.
Download Latest File File. Overview File Image Issues Source Pages. Download World of Warcraft addon Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) – Cataclysm mods for versions 1.13.5 / 9.0.2, Shadowlands, classic, 2020. Macros and addons are an integral part of a raider's arsenal as they can make it easier to perform a variety of tasks, improving your overall game experience. Below, we present macros and addons that can be useful to a Feral Druid (WoW 4.3). On the left side, you will find links to the other parts of the guide. Macros ↑top 1.1. Fan-Update for patch 5.4 by: dommon987, Gennoken and code looked over by randoms and the Author (that being me) Contact me ingame on Ezzpify H located on the glorious server Stormreaver-EU Description: This is an AddOn which will show all the cooldowns of an enemy above their nameplates.
How to Create a Macro
- Open the macro editing window by typing /m.
- Click “New.”
- Choose a name. It’s best to choose a unique name for each of your macros.
- Choose an icon. If you pick the default question mark as your icon, WoW will automatically assign an icon corresponding to the first spell in your macro. However, if you place a “#showtooltip Explosive Shot” statement at the beginning of your macro, for example, WoW will display the icon, mouseover tooltip, and grey-out cooldown wheel for Explosive Shot on your action bar.
- Enter your macro in the text box
- Click “Save”.
Raiding Macros
Here are a few examples of macros that I find the most useful for raiding on my hunter:
Normal Arcane Shot Macro
In addition to casting Arcane Shot, this macro cancels Deterrence and Hand of Protection. It tells your pet to cast Rabid (included because of the Rabid auto-cast bug) and if you have a wind-serpent it will tell it to cast Lightning Breath (included because of the pet ranged attack auto-cast bug with Ultraxion). You can use the same macro structure for all of your damage shots by just substituting the name of the shot for “Arcane Shot”.
Blow Cooldowns
This macro casts Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild. If you have the Kiroptyric Sigil trinket equipped (for Spine of Deathwing) it will activate it. If you have a Potion of the Tol’vir in your inventory you will consume one. If you’re an engineer you can add a line to activate your Synapse Springs (/use 10).
Multi-Shot AoE Macro
I use this macro for AoE. It will acquire a new target for you if your current target dies.
Wow Cataclysm 4.3.4 Addons
Pet Macro
If your pet is not active, this macro will call it. If your pet is dead, it will be revived. If your pet is active and you left click, it will cast Mend Pet. If your pet is active and you right click, your pet will be dismissed.
Misdirection Macro
If you have a player as your focus, you will md to them. If you don’t have a focus, it will md to your pet.
Macro Guides and Resources
See these guides for additional information about hunter macros.
- Hunter 101: Macros! at Aspect of the Murloc. Zanbon‘s guide goes over the basics of creating macros and lists useful hunter macros.
- Hunter Macros Guide at Warcraft Hunters Union. Frostheim‘s collection of hunter macros. There are also many reader-contributed macros in this post at WHU.
- Hunter Macro Compendium at Huntsman’s Lodge. Garwulf has assembled a large collection of hunter macros.
- Hunter Macro Guide thread on the Battlenet Hunter Forum, maintained by Strlder. This thread has an extensive collection of hunter macros.
- Making a MacroWoWWiki‘s basic guide to creating macros for Warcraft.
- My Hunter Keybinds at Kal’s Corner. Kalven illustrates how to organize hunter keybinds according to function: rotation, cooldowns, movement, etc.
Hunter Soloing Macros
- Marksmanship soloing guide: part 3 – Abilities and Macros from Durendil, first hunter to solo the Lich King.
Hunter PvP Macros
Hunters who PvP require many specialized macros and keybinds.
Wow Cataclysm 4.3 4 Addon Gatherer
- Zumio – In-Depth BM PvP Macro Guide (MoP Version) 9/6/12 An update of Zumio‘s macros for Mists of Pandaria
- Braindeadly In-Depth Hunter PvP Macro GuideBraindeadly‘s collection of arena macros is listed, and his video explains how and when to use them.
- Macros & Keybindings!Zumio lists all of his PvP macros and explains them in a video.
Cataclysm Addon Pack
First of all you can get the Addon Pack here:
Second of all you need some basic LUA editing knowledge to configure some of these addons.
Under The Hood
Wow Cataclysm 4.3 4 Addons Carbonite
ACP: AddonControlPanel can enable/disable addons without relogging, just needing a /reloadui .
AutoLagTolerance: Sets the latency tolerance value introduced by blizzard automatically based on your current latency.
xDamageFont: Sets the font style of the default damage and healing numbers popping up on the units.
NoBoPWarning: Doesn’t pop up the confirmation window when looting BoP items.
Bagnon: All-in-one inventory and database throughout characters. (/bagnon for options)
bTooltip: Customised tooltip addon thrown together from nTooltip and TipTac (Credits go to their respective authors 😉 )
InlineAura: Highlights buffs/debuffs active on your target on Action Bar Buttons.
kgPanels: Background art and gradients (/kgpanels config for options)
rActionButtonStyler: Style for our actionbars. (only configurable through lua editing)
Prat: Chat Addon to costumize chat so u can chat while u chat 😛
Postal: Mailing addon of awesome
qMinimap: Simple square minimap (only configurable through lua editing)
SharedMedia: Contains easily accessible borders, backgrounds, textures, statusbars and fonts for all addons that support it.
SimpleBuffBars: I’ve fixed it up a bit so it’s once again working and you can click off buffs fine. No tracking module though. (/sbb for options)
SLDataText: Simple text based information display. (/sldatatext for options)
SmartTargeting: Set’s TAB to target the correct unit type / only players depending on zone (useful for arenas / BGs)
TidyPlates: Nameplate Framework
TidyPlates_ThreatPlates: Best Nameplates evarr 😛
Teksloot is the smaller version of XLootGroup Basicly so I advise you to use that if you’re not a RaidLeader/MasterLooter.
XLoot – Simple, small looting window in 4 parts.
ForteXorcist: DoT and Cooldown tracking for every class. (/fx for options)
Gnosis: Castbars for everything (/gnosis for options)
Dominos: Custumoziable ActionBars(/dom for options)
OmniCC: Cooldown Count on everything (/omnicc for options)
Unit Frames
My old Pitbull 4 Layout is still included if you wish to keep it.
oUF: Framework for Unitframe Layouts
oUF_Qulight: A Modified version of Qulight’s Unitframe layout (only configurable through lua editing)
Parrot: Customizable Scrolling Combat Text (/parrot for options)
RaidWatch 2: Bossmods(/rw2 for options)
Wow Addons 4.3.4
[Updates may come, but not as often since i don’t have endless time ]
Wow Cataclysm 4.3.4 Add-ons
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