Last updated on May 3rd, 2019
Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, and Earth’s moon. Plenty of spacecraft were sent to Venus to study its environment and composition. A lot of critical data has been gathered in the past. Scientists are still exploring Venus, which is a mysterious and incredibly hot planet. With these 27 facts about Venus, let’s uncover more about this terrestrial planet.
1. Venus is the second planet from the Sun (Order of the planets from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (the dwarf planet)).
Complete summary of Suzan-Lori Parks' Venus. ENotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Venus. With eighteenth century Europe as backdrop and racial stereotyping as subject, Venus.
- The name comes from Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty, as back dimples are often associated with beauty in women. Back dimples are more common in people born female.
- Venus in two acts. Saidiya Hartman Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a.
2. Venus rotates on its axis from East to West similar to that of Uranus’ direction of rotation.
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3. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system while Mercury is the second hottest.
4. The temperature on Venus (425 degree Celsius) is sufficient enough to melt Lead.
5. Venus is slightly smaller than Earth.
6. The light from the Sun takes almost 6 minutes to reach Venus.
7. An interesting fact about Venus is that it has the most circular orbit of any planet in the Solar System.
8. Venus does not experience any seasons because of its limited axial tilt of just 3 degrees.
9. Venus, like Mercury, is a terrestrial planet.
10. Venus has mountains, valleys and hundreds of volcanoes. In fact, Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the Solar System. However, many of these are dormant.
11. Its highest mountain – Maxwell Montes, is in fact, 8.8 kilometers high. Now, this mountain can be compared to the Mount Everest on Earth which also has a similar height.
12. The atmosphere on Venus is very dense.
13. Venus and Mercury neither have any moons nor do they have any rings.
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14. Due to its slow speed of rotation, Venus’ magnetic field is much weaker than that of the Earth.
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15. Besides the earth’s moon, Venus is the brightest object in the night sky.
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16. Venus has been explored by more than 40 spacecraft.
Venus In Two Acts
Venus In Two Acts Summary
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